Saturday, July 20, 2013

Protests for Egypt's Ousted leader Amid Tension

MID.EastNEWS - CAIRO (AP) ‘Protes untuk Menggulingkan Pemimpin Mesir di tengah-tengah Ketegangan’ Dengan tentera memantapkan keselamatan, puluhan ribu turun ke jalan Jumaat di push ditentukan untuk kembali kepada kuasa menggulingkan pemimpin Islam Mesir, manakala lawan Mohammed Morsi yang diadakan perhimpunan saingan, meningkatkan kebimbangan pusingan segar pertempuran.

Tentera memberi amaran ia tidak akan bertolak ansur dengan mana-mana keganasan dan menghantar jet pejuang menjerit ke atas ibu kota dan helikopter berlegar. Menerbitkan bantahan mereka selama beberapa hari, penyokong Morsi itu berikrar Jumaat akan menjadi penentu dalam kempen mereka untuk cuba menterbalikkan rampasan kuasa ketenteraan yang dikeluarkan presiden pertama negara yang dipilih secara demokrasi selepas setahun di pejabat, berikutan bantahan besar-besaran terhadap beliau.

Tidak seperti demonstrasi lain yang dipegang pada waktu petang selepas berbuka sepanjang hari Ramadan cepat, perhimpunan pro-Morsi berlaku sepanjang hari. Dianjurkan oleh pihak Muslim Ikhwan presiden digulingkan dan digelar "Berbuka Rampasan kuasa," mereka termasuk perarakan di jalan-jalan di Kaherah, di luar pemasangan tentera dan di bandar-bandar lain, termasuk Alexandria dan beberapa wilayah Delta Nil.

Perhimpunan saingan datang hanya beberapa hari selepas Kabinet interim baru mengangkat sumpah yang termasuk wanita, orang Kristian dan ahli-ahli parti liberal menentang Morsi, tetapi tidak Islam. Ikhwan Muslimin telah enggan untuk mengambil bahagian dalam perbincangan dengan kepimpinan interim.

Negara ini telah menjadi amat polarisasi sejak penyingkiran autocrat lama Hosni Mubarak pada bulan Februari 2011, berikutan perhimpunan besar-besaran. Bahagian-bahagian hanya lebih mendalam 3 Julai rampasan kuasa tentera yang disokong oleh berjuta-juta yang menuduh Morsi menyalahgunakan kuasa dan memberi terlalu banyak mempengaruhi kepada kumpulan Ikhwan Muslimin beliau.

Perhimpunan Jumaat bertepatan dengan hari ke-10 bulan puasa Ramadan, yang Mesir meraikan sebagai hari angkatan tentera mereka melintasi Terusan Suez dalam perang tahun 1973 dengan Israel. Serangan kejutan membawa kepada pemulangan Semenanjung Sinai, yang telah diduduki oleh Israel.

Majlis tersebut adalah peluang untuk kem-kem saingan untuk memberi tumpuan kepada tentera, yang telah memainkan peranan penting dalam menghapuskan Morsi. Pada perhimpunan pro-Morsi, penunjuk perasaan memuji kuasa tentera tetapi menarik perbezaan dengan kepimpinan, yang mereka dituduh melakukan pengkhianatan untuk beralih terhadap Morsi.

Mengibarkan bendera Mesir dan gambar-gambar pemimpin digulingkan, mereka melaungkan slogan anti ketua tentera Jeneral Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi. "El-Sissi adalah pengkhianat!" mereka menjerit. "Morsi adalah presiden kita!" Penganjur dimainkan ucapan lama Morsi itu, merujuk kepada beliau sebagai pemimpin negara dan panglima tertinggi angkatan tentera.

"Masalah-tahun pertama mungkin telah diselesaikan dengan dialog, tetapi pembangkang sentiasa ditolak," kata 28 tahun Osama Youssef, yang mengembara ke Kaherah dari wilayah timur Sharqiya untuk menunjukkan sokongan beliau untuk Morsi. "Pembangkang tidak berjaya mendapat kuasa melalui langkah-langkah perlembagaan, maka ia memilih untuk mengambil kuasa dengan mengadakan satu rampasan kuasa tentera."

Sayed el-Banna, ahli Ikhwan 45 tahun yang datang ke Kaherah dari wilayah Delta al-Sharqia berkata, ia adalah penting untuk mempunyai ramai orang di jalanan. "Ia adalah untuk menghantar mesej kepada mereka dalam tentera yang tidak bersetuju dengan el-Sissi untuk berdiri dengan kami dan menyokong kami," katanya.

Sementara itu, beberapa ribu penunjuk perasaan anti-Morsi berkumpul di Dataran Tahrir, Kaherah dan di luar dua istana presiden untuk meraikan keuntungan mereka. "Rakyat dan tentera dan polis bersama-sama menentang keganasan," mengisytiharkan banner disengat di seluruh peringkat ditubuhkan di istana presiden.

Helikopter tentera terbang overhead turun kupon hadiah dan bendera Mesir pada perhimpunan di Tahrir Square dan koir polis dilakukan lagu nasionalis dalam parti yang berlangsung lewat malam. Kehadiran di jalan-jalan sisi saingan telah menimbulkan kebimbangan pertempuran, dan tentera dan polis telah dikerahkan banyak di kawasan-kawasan di mana kedua-dua orang ramai mungkin berlanggar. Dalam satu insiden, berhampiran istana presiden, pasukan keselamatan melemparkan gas pemedih mata pada perarakan menghampiri oleh Morsi penyokong untuk mengelakkan ia daripada sampai ke kawasan di mana penunjuk perasaan anti-Morsi telah mengadakan perhimpunan mereka sendiri.

Hanya insiden kecil keganasan dilaporkan di ibu negara. Penyokong Pro-Morsi dan lawan menjerit antara satu sama lain selepas solat Jumaat di utama Masjid Al-Azhar dan polis menahan enam penunjuk perasaan Islam untuk membuang batu. Secara berasingan, seorang lelaki ditikam dan dimasukkan ke hospital apabila ramai penyokong presiden digulingkan itu mempersoalkan identiti dan mendapati dia adalah seorang anggota polis dalam pakaian awam.

Di Semenanjung Sinai, di mana militan lama aktif di kawasan tersebut telah meningkatkan serangan mereka terhadap pasukan keselamatan berikutan penyingkiran Morsi, dua orang awam terbunuh apabila militan bersenjata melepaskan tembakan roket di pusat pemeriksaan tentera, tetapi melanda kediaman berdekatan.

Dalam usaha yang jelas untuk memperluaskan asas sokongan mereka, ahli-ahli Ikhwan merayu kepada orang menyertai perhimpunan mereka, berkeras rampasan kuasa itu adalah kira-kira yang akan diterbalikkan. "Kepada mereka yang teragak-agak, bangun, masa untuk akhir rampasan kuasa hampir," senior Ikhwan pemimpin Essam el-Erian menulis dalam posting di laman Facebook beliau.

Yasser Meshren, seorang penyokong Ikhwan yang datang ke Kaherah dari wilayah selatan Bani Sueif, menuduh tentera yang menipu rakyat dengan memantau pilihan raya hanya untuk kemudian keluarkan Morsi, membubarkan parlimen interim negara dan menggantung perlembagaan, yang telah diluluskan dalam referendum.

"Anda mencuri ibu saya dan suara kakak saya," kata Meshren kepimpinan tentera. Semasa perarakan mereka, penunjuk perasaan membuat usaha bersepadu untuk membezakan antara pemimpin-pemimpin tentera dan tentera. Pada satu ketika, sekumpulan penyokong pro-Morsi menghampiri pusat pemeriksaan tentera menawarkan mereka bunga.

Polis dan pasukan tentera dan kenderaan perisai dikerahkan banyak di Kaherah sekitar pemasangan keselamatan dan tentera, rumah mahkamah, dan pintu masuk di ibu negara. Jet pejuang terbang ke atas penunjuk perasaan dan jurucakap tentera Kolonel Ahmed Mohammed Ali mengeluarkan amaran tegas terhadap Facebook, memberitahu orang awam tidak menimbulkan sebagai anggota tentera atau pemasangan tentera pendekatan atau tentera, berkata sesiapa yang melakukan kematian begitu membahayakan.

Tentera juga menurun risalah amaran terhadap keganasan sebagai orang ramai yang kira-kira 400 penunjuk perasaan pro-Morsi berarak melalui bandar utama di utara Sinai ini el-Arish. Risalah menggesa orang ramai untuk melindungi Semenanjung Sinai daripada "pengganas" dan memberikan dua nombor bagi orang-orang untuk memanggil melaporkan tingkah laku yang mencurigakan.

Sementara itu, Ikhwan berkata, tujuh pemimpin kumpulan ibu bapa, termasuk bekas speaker parlimen dan Salafi pendakwah ultraconservative, telah dihantar ke sebuah penjara yang dikawal ketat, satu langkah yang kumpulan itu adalah tidak sah kerana orang-orang yang belum dikenakan. Mereka telah dituduh, antara lain, menghasut keganasan.

Presiden digulingkan, yang telah digantikan oleh pemimpin interim Adly Mansour, telah dibenarkan berkomunikasi di kemudahan tentera yang tidak didedahkan sejak kejatuhannya. Beliau tidak pernah disabitkan dengan sebarang jenayah. Saluran TV Ikhwan telah diambil dari udara bersama-sama dengan saluran Islam yang lain dilihat sebagai bersimpati kepada kumpulan. Mesir sekutu Al-Jazeera telah diserbu oleh pasukan keselamatan, dan pada hari Jumaat, isyarat saluran itu, bersama-sama dengan saluran perdana bahasa Inggeris dan Arab berita, telah bersela terganggu. Sebab-sebab gangguan tidak jelas.

Pro-Morsi penunjuk perasaan Mostafa Fathi, akauntan 33 tahun, berkata beliau melihat penyingkiran Morsi dan penutupan saluran TV sebagai tanda-tanda negara itu menyasarkan Islam, seperti yang berlaku semasa pemerintahan berhampiran tiga dekad-panjang Mubarak.

"Kami tidak mahu kembali ke negara polis atau keadaan ketidakadilan."

Associated Press penulis Aya Batrawy menyumbang kepada laporan ini.

Protests for Egypt's Ousted leader Amid Tension

MID.EastNEWS - CAIRO (AP) With the military beefing up security, tens of thousands took to the streets Friday in a determined push for the return to power of Egypt's ousted Islamist leader, while Mohammed Morsi's opponents staged rival rallies, raising fears of a fresh round of clashes.

The army warned it wouldn't tolerate any violence and sent fighter jets screaming over the capital and helicopters hovering over the marches. Publicizing their protests for days, Morsi's supporters vowed Friday would be decisive in their campaign to try to reverse the military coup that removed the country's first democratically elected president after a year in office, following massive protests against him.

Unlike other demonstrations held in the evening after breaking the daylong Ramadan fast, the pro-Morsi rallies took place throughout the day. Organized by the ousted president's Muslim Brotherhood party and dubbed "Breaking the Coup," they included marches in Cairo's streets, outside military installations and in other cities, including Alexandria and several Nile Delta provinces.

The rival gatherings came just days after a new interim Cabinet was sworn in that includes women, Christians and members of a liberal coalition opposed to Morsi, but no Islamists. The Muslim Brotherhood has refused to take part in talks with the interim leadership.

The country has been deeply polarized since the ouster of longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak in February 2011, following massive rallies. The divisions only deepened over the July 3 military coup supported by millions who accused Morsi of abusing his power and giving too much influence to his Muslim Brotherhood group.

Friday's rallies coincided with the 10th day of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, which Egyptians celebrate as the day their armed forces crossed the Suez Canal in the 1973 war with Israel. The surprise assault led to the return of the Sinai Peninsula, which had been occupied by Israel.

The occasion was a chance for the rival camps to focus on the military, which was instrumental in removing Morsi. At pro-Morsi gatherings, protesters extolled the virtue of the armed forces but drew a distinction with its leadership, which they accused of treason for turning against Morsi.

Waving Egyptian flags and pictures of the ousted leader, they chanted slogans against army chief Gen. Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi. "El-Sissi is a traitor!" they shouted. "Morsi is our president!" Organizers played Morsi's old speeches, referring to him as the nation's leader and the supreme commander of the armed forces.

"The problems of the first years could have been solved by dialogue, but the opposition always refused," said 28-year-old Osama Youssef, who traveled to Cairo from the eastern province of Sharqiya to show his support for Morsi. "The opposition didn't succeed in getting power through constitutional measures, so it chose to take power by staging a military coup."

Sayed el-Banna, a 45-year-old Brotherhood member who came to Cairo from the Delta province of al-Sharqia, said it was important to have many people in the streets. "It is to send a message to those in the army who disagree with el-Sissi to stand with us and support us," he said.

Meanwhile, several thousand anti-Morsi protesters gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square and outside two presidential palaces to celebrate their gain. "The people and the army and the police together against terrorism," declared a banner stung across a stage set up at the presidential palace.

Army choppers flying overhead dropped gift coupons and Egyptian flags on the gathering in Tahrir Square and a police choir performed nationalist songs in a party that lasted late into the night. The presence in the streets of the rival sides had raised fears of clashes, and military and police were deployed heavily in areas where the two crowds might collide. In one incident, near the presidential palace, security forces lobbed tear gas at an approaching march by Morsi supporters to prevent it from reaching an area where anti-Morsi demonstrators were holding their own rally.

Only minor incidents of violence were reported in the capital. Pro-Morsi supporters and opponents shouted at one another after Friday prayers in the main Al-Azhar Mosque and police detained six Islamist protesters for throwing rocks. Separately, a man was stabbed and hospitalized when a crowd of the deposed president's supporters questioned his identity and found out he was a policeman in civilian clothing.

In the Sinai peninsula, where militants long active in the area have intensified their attacks against security forces following Morsi's ouster, two civilians were killed when armed militants fired rockets at a military checkpoint, but hit a residence nearby.

In a clear attempt to widen their base of support, Brotherhood members appealed to people join their rally, insisting the coup was about to be reversed. "To those hesitating, wake up, the time for the end of the coup is nearing," senior Brotherhood leader Essam el-Erian wrote in a posting on his Facebook page.

Yasser Meshren, a Brotherhood supporter who came to Cairo from the southern province of Bani Sueif, accused the military of tricking the people by overseeing the elections only to then remove Morsi, disband the country's interim parliament and suspend the constitution, which was approved in a referendum.

"You stole my mother and my sister's voice," Meshren said of the military leadership. During their marches, the protesters made a concerted effort to distinguish between the leaders of the military and the troops. At one point, a group of pro-Morsi supporters approached a military checkpoint offering them flowers.

Police and military troops and armored vehicles were deployed heavily in Cairo around security and military installations, court houses, and the capital's entrances. Fighter jets flew over the protesters and military spokesman Col. Ahmed Mohammed Ali issued a stern warning on Facebook, telling civilians not to pose as military personnel or approach military installations or troops, saying anyone doing so risked death.

The military also dropped flyers warning against violence as a crowd of some 400 pro-Morsi protesters marched through northern Sinai's main city of el-Arish. The flyers urged people to protect the Sinai Peninsula from "terrorists" and provided two numbers for people to call to report suspicious behavior.

Meanwhile, the Brotherhood said seven leaders of its parent group, including the former speaker of the parliament and an ultraconservative Salafi preacher, were transported to a heavily guarded prison, a move the group said was illegal because the men have not yet been charged. They have been accused, among other things, of inciting violence.

The ousted president, who has been replaced by interim leader Adly Mansour, has been held incommunicado at an undisclosed military facility since his ouster. He has not been charged with any crimes. The Brotherhood's TV channel has been taken off the air along with other Islamic channels seen as sympathetic to the group. Al-Jazeera's Egypt affiliate was raided by security forces, and on Friday, the channel's signal, along with its flagship English and Arabic news channels, were intermittently interrupted. The reasons for the disruptions were not clear.

Pro-Morsi protester Mostafa Fathi, a 33-year-old accountant, said he viewed Morsi's ouster and the closure of the TV channels as signs the country was targeting Islamists, as it did during Mubarak's near three-decade-long rule.

"We don't want to go back to a police state or a state of injustice."

Associated Press writer Aya Batrawy contributed to this report.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Dressed in a sunhat and purple dress 3-year-old Kathryn Wybrew plays in a field of lavendar at Cadwell Farm, Hitchin . . .

TOP NEWS Photos: Memakai pakaian sunhat dan ungu Kathryn Wybrew 3 tahun bemainkan dalam bidang Lavendar di Cadwell Farm, Hitchin. Britain menikmati Julai panas terik. Peramal mengatakan suhu dalam 20-an yang tinggi dan juga 30-an yang rendah telah ditetapkan untuk tinggal untuk sepanjang bulan ini. Pejabat Met telah mengeluarkan amaran kesihatan untuk London dan Tenggara seperti panas terik luar biasa terus di seluruh UK. Britain telah cepat untuk pusingan sehingga sinar di hadapan yang lain beberapa hari terik (Dressed in a sunhat and purple dress 3-year-old Kathryn Wybrew plays in a field of lavendar at Cadwell Farm, Hitchin. Britain enjoys July heatwave. Forecasters say temperatures in the high 20s and even low 30s are set to stay for the rest of the month. The Met Office has issued health warnings for London and South East as the unusual heatwave continues across the UK. Britons have been quick to lap up the rays ahead of another scorching few days (Geoffrey Robinson/Rex Features – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Shannon Lee, daughter of the late Kung Fu legend Bruce Lee, poses beside a portrait of her father at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum . . .

TOP NEWS Photos: Shannon Lee, anak perempuan lewat Kung Fu legenda Bruce Lee, menimbulkan sebelah potret bapanya di Muzium Warisan Hong Kong, sebelum bermulanya pameran 5 tahun ke atas Lee, 18 Julai, 2013. Lewat Fu superstar Bruce Lee boleh menjadi ikon antarabangsa, tetapi dia masih tidak wira tempatan yang lengkap di Hong Kong. Peminat menandakan kematiannya 40 tahun yang lalu pada hujung minggu ini dengan seni pertunjukan galeri, pameran dan juga jalan grafiti tetapi ada orang yang menggesa kerajaan Hong Kong untuk melakukan lebih banyak untuk menghormati bintang bekas tanah jajahan British yang terbesar ini (Shannon Lee, daughter of the late Kung Fu legend Bruce Lee, poses beside a portrait of her father at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, before the start of a five-year exhibition on Lee, July 18, 2013. Late kung fu superstar Bruce Lee may be an international icon, but he is still not the complete local hero in Hong Kong. Fans are marking his death 40 years ago this weekend with art gallery shows, exhibitions and even street graffiti but some people are urging Hong Kong's government to do more to honour the former British colony's biggest star. REUTERS/Bobby Yip (CHINA - ENTERTAINMENT ANNIVERSARY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Spain's Running Of the Bulls . . .

Photo: AP berpesta yang dipijak oleh lembu ladang Torrestrella di cincin lembu jantan di hujung ke-5 berjalan lembu-lembu jantan, di San Fermin fiestas, dalam Pamplona, ​​utara Sepanyol, Khamis, 11 Julai, 2013 (Photo: AP Revelers are trampled by a Torrestrella ranch bull at the bull ring at the end of fifth running of the bulls, at the San Fermin fiestas, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Thursday, July 11, 2013)

Mid.East NEWS – Pencari-Thrill larian binatang besar-besaran di San Fermin perayaan Sepanyol, beberapa semakin jauh terjejas manakala yang lain membayar mahal apabila tandukan oleh mengamuknya lembu. Larian daripada yang jantan, dan perayaan Fermin San Spain's, tarikh kembali ke abad ke-16-an dan juga dikenali bagi pihak jalanan sepanjang malam itu. Berjalan, 8 dalam semua, adalah kemuncak perayaan berjalan 9 hari untuk menghormati penaung saint Pamplona, San Fermin. 

Berikut adalah galeri gambar melihat perayaan tahun ini.  

Ikut jurugambar AP di Twitter:

Photo: AP Pekelahi sapi Sepanyol Manuel Escribano melakukan dengan Dolores Aguirre pertempuran lembu semasa perkelahian manusia melawan banteng di perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Isnin, 8 Julai, 2013. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA tiba ke Pamplona setiap tahun untuk mengambil bahagian di beberapa 8 hari pengendalian lembu dimuliakan oleh novel Ernest Hemingway 1926 "Kebangkitan Juga Mantari." (Photo: AP Spanish bullfighter Manuel Escribano performs with a Dolores Aguirre fighting bull during a bullfight of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Monday, July 8, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part on some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises)."

Photo: AP Satu 'El Pilar' berjuang caj lembu terhadap pelari semasa pengendalian lembu di perayaan San Fermin , di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Jumaat, 12 Julai, 2013. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA tiba ke Pamplona setiap tahun untuk mengambil bahagian dalam beberapa daripada 8 hari dari berjalan lembu-lembu jantan yang dimuliakan oleh novel Ernest Hemingway 1926 "Kebangkitan Juga Mantari" (Photo: AP An 'El Pilar' fighting bull charges against a reveler during the running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Friday, July 12, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part in some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises)."

Photo: AP Satu "El Pilar" caj lembu memerangi p;elari semasa pengendalian lembu-lembu jantan yang perayaaSan Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Jumaat, 12 Julai, 2013. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA tiba ke Pamplona setiap tahun untuk mengambil bahagian dalam beberapa daripada 8 hari dari berjalan lembu-lembu jantan yang dimuliakan novel oleh Ernest Hemingway 1926 "Kebangkitan Juga Mantari "(Photo: AP An "El Pilar" fighting bull charges against a reveler during the running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Friday, July 12, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part in some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises)."

Photo: AP Satu "El Pilar" caj lembu memerangi p;elari semasa pengendalian lembu-lembu jantan yang perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Jumaat, 12 Julai, 2013. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA tiba ke Pamplona setiap tahun untuk mengambil bahagian dalam beberapa daripada 8 hari dari berjalan lembu-lembu jantan yang dimuliakan novel oleh Ernest Hemingway 1926 "Kebangkitan Juga Mantari. "(Photo: AP An "El Pilar" fighting bull charges against a reveler during the running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Friday, July 12, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part in some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises)."

Photo: AP pertempuran lembu Satu 'El Pilar' menanduk pelari semasa pengendalian lembu-lembu jantan perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Jumaat, 12 Julai, 2013 (Photo: AP An 'El Pilar' fighting bull gores a reveler during the running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Friday, July 12, 2013).

Photo: AP berpesta berjalan di hadapan ladang Valdefresno pertempuran lembu semasa San Fermin fiestas, Selasa 9 Julai, 2013, di Pamplona, Sepanyol. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA datang untuk mengambil bahagian dalam perayaan berpesta dijalankan, yang menjadi terkenal dengan novel penerbitan 1926 Ernest Hemingway DUNIA "Kebangkitan Juga Mantari." (Photo: AP Revelers run in front of a Valdefresno ranch fighting bull during the San Fermin fiestas, Tuesday, July 9, 2013, in Pamplona, Spain. Revelers from around the world come to participate in the street partying festival, which became world famous with the 1926 publication of Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises)."

Photo: AP berpesta dikendalikan oleh jatuh Fuente Ymbro ladang pertempuran lembu semasa berjalan lembu-lembu jantan yang perayaan San Fermin di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Sabtu, 13 Julai, 2013. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA tiba di Pamplona setiap tahun untuk mengambil bahagian di beberapa 8 hari pengendalian lembu dimuliakan oleh novel Ernest Hemingway 1926 "Kebangkitan Juga Mantari" (Photo: AP Revelers run by a fallen Fuente Ymbro ranch fighting bull during the running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Saturday, July 13, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive in Pamplona every year to take part on some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises)."

Photo: AP Pelari perjalanan dan jatuh di hadapan lembu menyekat pintu masuk ke gelanggang sukan lawan lembu semasa berjalan lembu-lembu jantan yang perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Sabtu Julai 13, 2013. Seramai 21 orang telah cedera, 2 oleh gorings, beribu-ribu DAREDEVILS berlumba melalui jalan-jalan sesak Pamplona dalam rambut penjanaan berjalan lembu-lembu jantan yang berakhir pada tertarik pada Sabtu. (Photo: AP Runners trip and fall ahead of the bulls blocking the entrance to the bullring during the running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Saturday, July 13, 2013. A total of 21 people have been injured, two by gorings, as thousands of daredevils raced through the crowded streets of Pamplona in a hair-raising running of the bulls that ended in a crush on Saturday).

Photo: AP ladang pertempuran lembu Satu Alcurrucen itu berjalan ke arah berpesta semasa berjalan lembu-lembu jantan yang perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Ahad 7 JULAI, 2013. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA tiba ke Pamplona setiap tahun untuk mengambil bahagian di beberapa 8 hari pengendalian lembu dimuliakan oleh novel Ernest Hemingway 1926 "Kebangkitan Juga Mantari." (Photo: AP An Alcurrucen's ranch fighting bull runs towards revelers during the running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Sunday, July 7, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part on some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises)."

Photo: AP Pelari dimenangi ditanduk ladang pertempuran lembu yang Alcurrucen sepanjang berjalan lembu-lembu jantan yang perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Ahad 7 Julai, 2013. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA tiba ke Pamplona setiap tahun untuk mengambil bahagian di beberapa 8 hari pengendalian lembu dimuliakan oleh novel Ernest Hemingway 1926 "Kebangkitan Juga Mantari." (Photo: AP A reveler grabs the horn of an Alcurrucen's ranch fighting bull during the running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Sunday, July 7, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part on some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises)."

Photo: AP pelari ditanduk oleh "El Pilar" pertempuran lembu semasa berjalan lembu-lembu jantan di perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Jumaat Julai 12, 2013. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA tiba ke Pamplona setiap tahun untuk mengambil bahagian dalam beberapa daripada 8 hari dari berjalan lembu-lembu jantan dimuliakan oleh novel 1926 Ernest Hemingway "Kebangkitan Juga Mantari” (Photo: AP A runner is gored by an "El Pilar" fighting bull during the running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Friday, July 12, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part in some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises)."

Photo: AP Kuda Sepanyol dipasang pekelahi sapi Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, melihat lembu semasa perkelahian manusia melawan banteng kuda di San Fermin Fiestas, dalam Pamplona, utara Sepanyol pada Sabtu Julai 6, 2013 (Photo: AP A horse of Spanish mounted bullfighter Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, looks at the bull during a horseback bullfight at San Fermin Fiestas, in Pamplona, northern Spain on Saturday, July 6, 2013).

Photo: AP Sebuah ladang pertempuran lembu Alcurrucen ini dilihat semasa perkelahian manusia melawan banteng di  perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Ahad 7 JULAI, 2013 (Photo: AP An Alcurrucen's ranch fighting bull is seen during a bullfight of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Sunday, July 7, 2013)

Photo: AP Satu pertempuran lembu 'El Pilar' mengikut pelari semasa pengendalian lembu-lembu jantan yang  perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Jumaat Julai 12, 2013 (Photo: AP An 'El Pilar' fighting bull follows a reveler during the running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Friday, July 12, 2013)

Photo: AP pelari Gored oleh "El Pilar" pertempuran lembu semasa berjalan lembu-lembu jantan di perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Jumaat Julai 12, 2013. Satu Sepanyol Amerika dan dua gored Jumaat (Photo: AP A runner is gored by an "El Pilar" fighting bull during the running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Friday, July 12, 2013. An American and two Spaniards were gored Friday)

Photo: AP pelari ditanduk oleh "El Pilar" pertempuran lembu semasa berjalan lembu-lembu jantan di perayaan  San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Jumaat Julai 12, 2013. Seorang warga Amerika dan 2 orang Sepanyol telah ditanduk Jumaat semasa bahaya mengisi lembu yang ke-6 dijalankan San perayaan Fermin Sepanyol, dengan satu lembu longgar menyebabkan panik di jalan-jalan sesak bandar Pamplona. (Photo: AP A runner is gored by an "El Pilar" fighting bull during the running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Friday, July 12, 2013. An American and two Spaniards were gored Friday during a danger-filled sixth bull run of Spain’s San Fermin festival, with one loose bull causing panic in the packed streets of Pamplona city).

Photo: AP Seorang peserta jatuh menutup kepala sebagai Fuente Ymbro ladang pertempuran lembu pendekatan beliau semasa pengendalian lembu-lembu jantan yang perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Sabtu, 13 Julai, 2013 (Photo: AP A fallen participant covers his head as a Fuente Ymbro ranch fighting bull approaches him during the running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Saturday, July 13, 2013).

Photo: AP A "Fuente Ymbror" pertempuran lembu menolak pelari ke dinding semasa berjalan lembu-lembu jantan di perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Sabtu, 13 Julai, 2013 (Photo: AP A "Fuente Ymbror" fighting bull pushes a reveler against a wall during the running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Saturday, July 13, 2013).

Photo: AP Pelari membuat cara mereka melalui jalan dengan "El Pilar" melawan lembu ditonton oleh orang-orang dari balkoni mereka semasa berjalan lembu-lembu jantan di perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Jumaat 12 JULAI, 2013 (Photo: AP Runners make their way through the street with "El Pilar" fighting bulls watched by people from their balconies during the running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Friday, July 12, 2013).

Photo: AP berpesta yang disembur dengan air dibuang dari balkoni semasa pelancaran roket 'Chupinazo', untuk meraikan pembukaan rasmi 2013 San Fermin fiestas, Sabtu Julai 6, 2013 di Pamplona, Sepanyol (Photo: AP Revelers are sprayed with water thrown from balconies during the launch of the 'Chupinazo' rocket, to celebrate the official opening of the 2013 San Fermin fiestas, Saturday, July 6, 2013 in Pamplona, Spain).

Photo: AP berpesta yang disembur dengan air dibuang dari balkoni semasa pelancaran roket 'Chupinazo', untuk meraikan pembukaan rasmi 2013 San Fermin fiestas, Sabtu Julai 6, 2013 di Pamplona, Sepanyol. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA ‘kick off’ perayaan San Fermin dengan pihak kemas di dataran bandar Pamplona, ​​sehari sebelum pertama lapan hari berjalan lembu-lembu jantan dimuliakan oleh novel 1926 Ernest Hemingway 'Kebangkitan Juga Mantari'. (Photo: AP Revelers are sprayed with water thrown from balconies during the launch of the 'Chupinazo' rocket, to celebrate the official opening of the 2013 San Fermin fiestas, Saturday, July 6, 2013 in Pamplona, Spain. Revelers from around the world kick off the San Fermin festival with a messy party in the Pamplona town square, one day before the first of eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel 'The Sun Also Rises'.

Photo: AP Berpesta menunggu berjalan lembu-lembu jantan semasa San Fermin fiestas, Isnin Julai 8, 2013 di Pamplona, Sepanyol  (Photo: AP Revelers wait for the running of the bulls during the San Fermin fiestas, Monday, July 8, 2013 in Pamplona, Spain).

Photo: AP Pelari berjalan di hadapan "Fuente Ymbror" melawan lembu semasa berjalan lembu-lembu jantan di perayaan San Fermin, di Pamplona, Sepanyol, Sabtu Julai 13, 2013. Berpesta dari seluruh DUNIA tiba ke Pamplona setiap tahun untuk mengambil bahagian dalam beberapa daripada 8 hari dari berjalan lembu-lembu jantan dimuliakan oleh novel 1926 "Ernest Hemingway Kebangkitan Juga Mantari” (Photo: AP Runners run ahead of "Fuente Ymbror" fighting bulls during the running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Saturday, July 13, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part in some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises.)."

Mid.East NEWS - Thrill-seekers flee massive beasts at Spain's San Fermin festival, some getting away unscathed while others pay dearly when gored by raging bulls. The Running of the Bulls, and the San Fermin festival, dates back to the late 16th century and also is known for its all-night street parties. The runs, eight in all, are the highlight of a nine-day street festival to honor Pamplona's patron saint, San Fermin).

Here's a gallery of photos looking at this year's festival.

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Putin Rides to bottom Of Sea . . .

Photo: AP Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin ‘submerges’ di atas kapal Sea Explorer 5 batiskaf perairan pulau Gogland 180 kilometer (110 batu) barat St Petersburg, Rusia, Isnin 15 Julai, 2013. Putin menaiki kraf kecil menyelam 60 meter (200 kaki) ke bawah untuk melihat mayat tentera laut frigat Oleg, yang tenggelam pada tahun 1869, kata laporan berita Rusia. Acara media terbaru Putin adalah sederhana mengikut piawaian pemimpin Rusia aksi-gembira, perjalanan setengah jam ke bahagian bawah Teluk Finland untuk melihat kapal karam (Photo: AP Russian President Vladimir Putin submerges on board Sea Explorer 5 bathyscaphe off the island of Gogland 180 kilometers (110 miles) west of St. Petersburg, Russia, Monday, July 15, 2013. Putin rode the small submersible craft 60 meters (200 feet) down to see the remains of the naval frigate Oleg, which sank in 1869, Russian news reports said. Putin's latest media event was modest by the stunt-happy Russian leader's standards, a half-hour trip to the bottom of the Gulf of Finland to see a shipwreck).

Mid.East NEWS - MOSCOW (AP) Acara media terbaru Vladimir Putin adalah sederhana mengikut piawaian pemimpin Rusia aksi-gembira - perjalanan setengah jam ke bahagian bawah Teluk Finland untuk melihat bangkai kapal.

Dia tidak menjumpai apa-apa harta. Putin pada hari Isnin menunggang kapal kecil menyelam 60 meter (200 kaki) ke bawah untuk melihat bangkai tentera laut frigat Oleg, yang tenggelam pada tahun 1869, kata laporan berita Rusia. Mayat, yang diperiksa oleh ahli-ahli arkeologi marin, terletak di perairan pulau Gogland 180 kilometer (110 batu) barat St Petersburg.

Kegemaran Putin untuk aksi mencabar termasuk perjalanan ke bawah Lake Baikal, tasik paling dalam di DUNIA, dan menyelam di mana dia dibesarkan shards tembikar yang jurucakap beliau kemudiannya mengaku telah ditanam.

Photo: AP Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin submerges di atas kapal Sea Explorer 5 batiskaf perairan pulau Gogland 180 kilometer (110 batu) barat St Petersburg, Rusia, Isnin 15 Julai, 2013, Putin menaiki kapal kecil menyeelam 60 meter (200 kaki) ke bawah untuk melihat mayat tentera laut frigat Oleg, yang tenggelam pada tahun 1869, kata laporan berita Rusia. Acara media terbaru Putin adalah sederhana mengikut piawaian pemimpin Rusia aksi-gembira, perjalanan setengah jam ke bahagian bawah Teluk Finland untuk melihat kapal karam (Photo: AP Russian President Vladimir Putin submerges on board Sea Explorer 5 bathyscaphe off the island of Gogland 180 kilometers (110 miles) west of St. Petersburg, Russia, Monday, July 15, 2013, Putin rode a small submersible craft 60 meters (200 feet) down to see the remains of the naval frigate Oleg, which sank in 1869, Russian news reports said. Putin's latest media event was modest by the stunt-happy Russian leader's standards, a half-hour trip to the bottom of the Gulf of Finland to see a shipwreck).

Putin Rides to bottom Of Sea . . .

Mid.East NEWS - MOSCOW (AP) Vladimir Putin's latest media event was modest by the stunt-happy Russian leader's standards - a half-hour trip to the bottom of the Gulf of Finland to see a shipwreck.

He didn't even find any treasure. Putin on Monday rode a small submersible craft 60 meters (200 feet) down to see the remains of the naval frigate Oleg, which sank in 1869, Russian news reports said. The remains, being examined by marine archaeologists, lie off the island of Gogland 180 kilometers (110 miles) west of St. Petersburg.

Putin's penchant for adventurous stunts included a trip to the bottom of Lake Baikal, the world's deepest lake, and a scuba dive in which he brought up pottery shards that his spokesman later admitted had been planted.

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