Monday, July 15, 2013
Syrian Troops Advance Against Rebels in Damascus
Photo: AP Presiden Syria
Bashar Assad melambaig selamat tinggal dia meninggalkan Istana Elysee berikutan
pertemuannya dengan rakan sejawatannya dari Perancis itu Nicolas Sarkozy, di
Paris. Identiti Arab kembali di landasan yang betul selepas jatuh dari kuasa
Ikhwan Muslimin Mesir, yang telah menggunakan agama untuk kepentingan
politiknya sendiri, Assad berkata dalam ucapan yang disiarkan hari ini. (Photo:
AP Syrian President Bashar Assad waves a goodbye as he leaves the Elysee Palace
following his meeting with his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy, in Paris.
Arab identity is back on the right track after the fall from power of Egypt's
Muslim Brotherhood, which had used religion for its own political gain, Assad
said in remarks published Thursday)
Mid.East NEWS - DAMSYIK, Syria (AP) Tentera kerajaan
melepaskan peluru kereta kebal dan meriam dalam pertempuran berat antara
tentera Syria dan pemberontak Ahad di pinggir Damsyik, di mana tentera telah
menolak serangan untuk merebut kembali daerah utama yang telah berada di tangan
pembangkang untuk beberapa bulan.
Syria telah merampas momentum dalam perang saudara dalam tempoh 3 bulan lalu,
merampas kembali wilayah yang tewas kepada pasukan pemberontak dan memantapkan
pegangan ke atas kawasan-kawasan yang dipertandingkan, terutama di pinggir
Damsyik. 2 daripada daerah diperangi adalah Jobar dan Qaboun, dari mana
pemberontak sering melancarkan mortar di tengah-tengah ibu kota.
panglima tentera Syria berkata pasukan yang setia kepada Presiden Bashar Assad
mempunyai 60%peratus berjaya menawan semula Jobar, selatan Qaboun, dan cuba
untuk merebut kembali yang lain. Komander bercakap kepada pemberita Ahad semasa
lawatan diiringi tentera Jobar dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Penerangan.
Tuntutannya tidak dapat disahkan secara bebas.
wartawan Associated Press dalam lawatan itu menyaksikan kemusnahan meluas yang
menunjukkan pertempuran berat di kejiranan. Kilang jubin Marble telah musnah.
Wartawan membuat cara mereka di kawasan itu musnah dengan memanjat melalui
lubang mengetuk di dinding kerana amaran penembak tepat pemberontak di kawasan
2 mayat, nampaknya orang-orang lelaki bersenjata pemberontak, meletakkan di
atas lantai kubu yang diterangkan oleh pegawai itu sebagai
"pengganas" tempat persembunyian. "Tentera adalah memajukan
pesat dalam Jobar . . . kawasan itu akan diperolehi dalam beberapa hari akan
datang menurut pelan baik dikaji," kata komander. Beliau enggan namanya
disiarkan selaras dengan peraturan-peraturan.
adalah berhampiran dengan jalan raya yang menghubungkan Damsyik dengan pinggir
bandar timur yang dikenali sebagai Timur Ghouta. Pemberontak telah menggunakan
jalan raya untuk mengangkut senjata dan bekalan lain ke ibu negara, kerusi
kuasa Assad.
berkata paksi Jobar-Qaboun adalah penting untuk "membersihkan Ghouta
daripada kumpulan pengganas." Kerajaan Assad, rutin pemberontak menerangkan
berjuang untuk menggulingkan beliau sebagai pengganas bermain daripada konspirasi
asing menetas oleh Israel, Amerika Syarikat dan beberapa sekutu Arab di rantau
ini, seperti Qatar dan Arab Saudi.
lawatan Jobar, wartawan telah dibawa ke tempat persembunyian tentera berkata ia
merampas sehari lebih awal selepas membunuh 30 pemberontak dan pemimpin mereka
di sana. Wartawan ditunjukkan pusingan RPG mortar dan bahan letupan, serta
bahan kimia yang dikatakan dengan bau yang kuat.
bahasa Arab di dinding berbunyi: "Brigade al-Tawhid," dan
"Negara Islam Iraq dan Levant" - nama kumpulan militan berjuang untuk
menggulingkan Assad. Lawatan Ahad ini datang sebagai utama kumpulan pembangkang
yang disokong Barat Syria mendakwa bahawa 200 orang awam yang terperangkap
dalam sebuah masjid di Qaboun sebagai pertempuran tercetus di luar antara
pemberontak dan tentera Assad. Ia memberi amaran bahawa beribu-ribu orang awam
di Qaboun boleh "terbunuh" oleh tentera Assad sebagai kereta perisai
dan pasukan elit bergerak masuk
Cerap Syria yang berpangkalan di UK untuk Hak Asasi Manusia, yang bergantung
pada rangkaian aktivis di atas darat, berkata berpuluh-puluh orang telah
ditahan Sabtu oleh tentera rejim di ruangan bawah tanah masjid al-Omari, tetapi
mereka dapat melarikan diri apabila pertempuran tercetus antara pemberontak dan
tentera rejim di perimeter masjid, dan tentera berundur.
berkata 13 orang, termasuk 7 pejuang, mati dalam serangan daripada Qaboun Ahad.
"Mereka (tentera) menggunakan kereta kebal dan meriam dan cuba untuk
memecah masuk ke dalam Qaboun. Serangan ini sangat sengit dan terdapat banyak
asap," kata seorang aktivis di kawasan itu, bercakap melalui Skype dengan
syarat tidak mahu namanya disiarkan, takut hukuman.
adalah hari 26 daripada kempen pengeboman, dan mereka masih belum dapat
memecahkan Qaboun," katanya. Kemudian Ahad, letupan bom yang kuat
menggegarkan Deir Atiyeh bandar utara Damsyik, membunuh dan mencederakan
beberapa orang, kata aktivis. Bom meletup berhampiran stesen polis di kawasan
yang padat dengan penduduk, tetapi kebanyakan mangsa adalah orang awam, menurut
Balai Cerap dan Majlis Tentera untuk Damsyik dan Suburbs, sekumpulan
Washington, pegawai-pegawai Amerika Syarikat berkata Israel disasarkan peluru
berpandu anti-kapal berhampiran bandar pelabuhan utama Syria dalam serangan
udara awal bulan ini, menurut satu laporan oleh The New York Times. Ia memetik
pegawai-pegawai sebagai berkata serangan itu pada 5 Julai berhampiran Latakia
disasarkan maju Yakhont peluru berpandu buatan Russia bahawa Rusia menjual
kepada Syria.
komen segera daripada kerajaan Assad, yang sekutu politik utama dan pembekal
adalah senjata Rusia. Ditanya mengenai laporan mengenai rancangan CBS-TV
"Wajah Negara," kata Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu
enggan mengesahkan atau menafikan penglibatan Israel.
Beliau menegaskan
bahawa beliau tidak akan membenarkan "senjata berbahaya" untuk
mencapai militan Hizbullah Lubnan.
dilaporkan dari Amman, Jordan. Associated Press penulis Zeina Karam di Beirut
dan Josef Federman di Jerusalem menyumbang kepada laporan ini.
Photo: AP Seorang budak
lelaki Syria melaungkan slogan menentang rejim di hadapan bendera kumpulan
pembangkang bersenjata Islam, depan Nusra, semasa demonstrasi di kejiranan
al-Qasr Bustan Aleppo, Syria. Aktivis berkata pada Sabtu Julai 13, 2013 bahawa
pemberontak Syria dan pejuang dari kumpulan al-Qaeda berkaitan telah bertukar
senjata mereka kepada satu sama lain dan berjuang untuk mengawal pusat
pemeriksaan utama di bandar utara Aleppo. Pemeriksaan adalah satu-satunya pintu
masuk antara daerah-daerah timur pemberontak-diadakan dan kawasan-kawasan barat
bandar ini, yang dikawal oleh tentera Presiden Bashar Assad. Arab pada banner
di latar belakang mengandungi kata-kata dari Al-Quran yang berbunyi, "Tidak
ada Tuhan melainkan Allah, dan Muhammad adalah Rasul-Nya, depan Nusra
yang" (Photo: AP A Syrian boy shouts slogans against the regime in front
of a flag of the armed Islamic opposition group, the Nusra front, during a
demonstration in the Bustan al-Qasr neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria. Activists
said on Saturday, July 13, 2013 that Syrian rebels and fighters from an
al-Qaida-linked group have turned their guns on each other and are fighting for
control of a key checkpoint in the northern city of Aleppo. The checkpoint is
the only gateway between rebel-held eastern districts and the city's western
areas, controlled by President Bashar Assad's troops. Arabic on banner in
background contains words from the Quran and reads, "There is not God but
Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger, the Nusra front"
Photo: AP Syria tentera
bersorak selepas bertarung dengan pemberontak semasa lawatan untuk wartawan
yang dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Penerangan Syria di pinggir Damsyik Jobar,
Syria, Ahad 14 Julai, 2013. Tentera kerajaan melepaskan tembakan peluru kereta
kebal dan meriam dalam pertempuran berat antara tentera Syria dan pemberontak
Ahad di pinggir Damsyik, di mana tentera telah menolak serangan untuk merebut
kembali daerah utama yang telah berada di tangan pembangkang untuk beberapa
bulan" (Photo: AP Syrian soldiers cheer after battling with rebels during
a tour for journalists organized by the Syrian Information Ministry in the
Damascus suburb of Jobar, Syria, Sunday, July 14, 2013. Government troops fired
tank shells and artillery in heavy clashes between Syrian forces and rebels
Sunday on the edge of Damascus, where the military has been pushing its
offensive to retake key districts that have been in opposition hands for
Photo: AP Seorang pejuang
pemberontak berdiri pengawal di tempat pemeriksaan terkibar banner Islam
berhampiran barisan hadapan dalam kawasan kejiranan al-Qasr Bustan Aleppo,
Syria. Aktivis berkata pada Sabtu Julai 13, 2013 bahawa pemberontak Syria dan
pejuang dari kumpulan al-Qaeda berkaitan telah bertukar senjata mereka kepada
satu sama lain dan berjuang untuk mengawal pusat pemeriksaan utama di bandar
utara Aleppo. Pemeriksaan adalah satu-satunya pintu masuk antara daerah-daerah
timur pemberontak-diadakan dan kawasan-kawasan barat bandar ini, yang dikawal
oleh tentera Presiden Bashar Assad. (Photo: AP A rebel fighter stands guard at
a check point flying an Islamic banner near the frontline in the Bustan al-Qasr
neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria. Activists said on Saturday, July 13, 2013 that
Syrian rebels and fighters from an al-Qaida-linked group have turned their guns
on each other and are fighting for control of a key checkpoint in the northern
city of Aleppo. The checkpoint is the only gateway between rebel-held eastern
districts and the city's western areas, controlled by President Bashar Assad's
Photo: AP Anggota tentera
Syria menembak ke arah pejuang pemberontak semasa lawatan untuk wartawan yang
dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Penerangan Syria di pinggir Damsyik Jobar, Syria,
Ahad, 14 Julai, 2013. Tentera kerajaan melepaskan tembakan peluru kereta kebal
dan meriam dalam pertempuran berat antara tentera Syria dan pemberontak Ahad di
pinggir Damsyik, di mana tentera telah menolak serangan untuk merebut kembali
daerah utama yang telah berada di tangan pembangkang untuk beberapa bulan. (Photo:
AP Syrian army personnel shoot towards rebel fighters during a tour for
journalists organized by the Syrian Information Ministry in the Damascus suburb
of Jobar, Syria, Sunday, July 14, 2013. Government troops fired tank shells and
artillery in heavy clashes between Syrian forces and rebels Sunday on the edge
of Damascus, where the military has been pushing its offensive to retake key
districts that have been in opposition hands for months.
Photo: AP Anggota tentera
Syria menembak ke arah pejuang pemberontak semasa lawatan untuk wartawan yang
dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Penerangan Syria di pinggir Damsyik Jobar, Syria,
Ahad, 14 Julai, 2013. Tentera kerajaan melepaskan tembakan peluru kereta kebal
dan meriam dalam pertempuran berat antara tentera Syria dan pemberontak Ahad di
pinggir Damsyik, di mana tentera telah menolak serangan untuk merebut kembali
daerah utama yang telah berada di tangan pembangkang untuk beberapa bulan. (Photo:
AP Syrian army personnel shoot towards rebel fighters during a tour for
journalists organized by the Syrian Information Ministry in the Damascus suburb
of Jobar, Syria, Sunday, July 14, 2013. Government troops fired tank shells and
artillery in heavy clashes between Syrian forces and rebels Sunday on the edge
of Damascus, where the military has been pushing its offensive to retake key
districts that have been in opposition hands for months.
Syrian troops advance against rebels in Damascus
Mid.East NEWS - DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) Government troops
fired tank shells and artillery in heavy clashes between Syrian forces and
rebels Sunday on the edge of Damascus, where the military has been pushing its
offensive to retake key districts that have been in opposition hands for
Syrian army has seized the momentum in the civil war over the past three
months, wresting back territory lost to rebel forces and solidifying its hold
over contested areas, particularly on the fringes of Damascus. Two of the
embattled districts are Jobar and Qaboun, from which rebels frequently launch
mortar rounds on the heart of the capital.
Syrian military commander said forces loyal to President Bashar Assad have
recaptured 60 percent of Jobar, south of Qaboun, and were trying to retake the
rest. The commander talked to reporters Sunday during a military escorted tour
of Jobar organized by the Information Ministry. His claim could not be
independently verified.
Associated Press reporter on the tour saw widespread destruction that pointed
to heavy fighting in the neighborhood. Marble tile factories were destroyed.
Reporters made their way in the devastated area by climbing through holes
knocked in walls because of warnings of rebel snipers in the area.
least two bodies, apparently those of rebel gunmen, lay on the floor of a
bunker described by the official as a "terrorist" hideout. "The
army is advancing rapidly in Jobar ... the area will be secured in the next few
days according to a well-studied plan," the commander said. He declined to
be named in line with regulations.
is near the road linking Damascus with its eastern suburbs known as Eastern
Ghouta. Rebels have been using the road to transport weapons and other supplies
to the capital, the seat of Assad's power.
commander said the Jobar-Qaboun axis was important to "cleanse Ghouta from
terrorist groups." Assad's government routinely describes the rebels
fighting to overthrow him as terrorists playing out a foreign conspiracy
hatched by Israel, the United States and some of its Arab allies in the region,
like Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
the tour of Jobar, reporters were taken to a hideout the army said it seized a
day earlier after killing 30 rebels and their leader there. Reporters were
shown RPG mortar rounds and explosive devices, as well as an alleged chemical
material with a strong odor.
graffiti on the walls read: "The al-Tawhid Brigade," and "the
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" — names of militant groups fighting
to topple Assad. Sunday's tour came as Syria's main Western-backed opposition
group claimed that 200 civilians were trapped in a mosque in Qaboun as fighting
raged outside between rebels and Assad's army. It warned that thousands of
civilians in Qaboun could be "massacred" by Assad's army as armored
vehicles and elite forces move in.
U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on a network of
activists on the ground, said dozens of people were held captive Saturday by
regime forces in the basement of the al-Omari mosque, but they were able to
escape when clashes broke out between rebel and regime forces in the perimeter
of the mosque, and the troops retreated.
It said
13 people, including seven fighters, died in the shelling of Qaboun Sunday.
"They (troops) are using tanks and artillery and are trying to break into
Qaboun. The shelling is very intense and there is a lot of smoke," said an
activist in the area, speaking via Skype on condition of anonymity, fearing
is day 26 of a bombing campaign, and they still haven't been able to break
Qaboun," he said. Later Sunday, a powerful bomb explosion rocked the Deir
Atiyeh town north of Damascus, killing and wounding a number of people,
activists said. The bomb went off near a police station in a densely populated
area, but most of the casualties were civilians, according to the Observatory
and the Military Council for Damascus and its Suburbs, a rebel group.
Washington, U.S. officials said Israel targeted advanced anti-ship cruise
missiles near Syria's principal port city in an airstrike earlier this month,
according to a report by The New York Times. It cited the officials as saying
the attack on July 5 near Latakia targeted advanced Russian-made Yakhont missiles
that Russia sold to Syria.
was no immediate comment from Assad's government, whose key political ally and
arms supplier is Russia. Asked about the reports on the CBS-TV show "Face
the Nation," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to confirm
or deny Israeli involvement.
insisted that he will not allow "dangerous weapons" to reach
Lebanon's Hezbollah militants.
Halaby reported from Amman, Jordan. Associated Press
writers Zeina Karam in Beirut and Josef Federman in Jerusalem contributed to
this report.
Woman Gored during Final Bull Run in Spain
Photo: AP A man tries to
shield himself as "Miura" bulls fighting pass him during the final
running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Sunday,
July 14, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to
take part in some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by
Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises."
- PAMPLONA, Spain (AP) A bull gored an Australian woman and left her seriously
injured during the final bull run of this year's annual San Fermin festival in
Spain on Sunday. Four other runners were hospitalized with cuts and bruises.
23-year-old woman, identified only as J.E., was gored in the back and suffered
multiple rib fractures and damage to her right lung that left her in "very
grave" condition after an operation at Navarra Hospital, said the regional
government that organizes the festival.
Australian was struck by a massive Miura bull as she clung to wooden barriers
outside the bullring entrance, said regional health authority spokesman Javier
Sesma. It is very rare for women to be gored during the annual festival since
most of the runners are men. Javier Solano, a San Fermin expert working for
national broadcaster TVE, said records showed only two other women had been
injured by gorings in the recent history of the fiesta.
four injured runners who were tossed by bulls or fell as they ran were
identified as a 39-year-old man from California, a 23-year-old man from Madrid
and two men from Navarra, said the regional government organizers. None of
those injuries were serious.
confrontations between runners and bulls had occurred during the previous two
days of the festival. A 19-year-old Spaniard who had stopped breathing after
being crushed by large pileup of fallen runners on Saturday has recovered consciousness
and begun to breathe without mechanical assistance, Sesma said Sunday.
35-year-old American man from Cleveland, Ohio, who was gored by a bull Saturday
was recovering "favorably" from a "rectal perforation" that
affected his abdomen and a kidney, said a Navarra Hospital statement.
Eccles, a 20-year-old University of Utah student who was gored Friday, was in a
stable condition and improving after having had his spleen removed, the
statement said. Miura bulls, which can weigh 695 kilograms (1,530 pounds), are
renowned as Spain's largest and fastest fighting bulls, and Sunday's bull run
was quick, taking 2 minutes, 16 seconds to cover 928 yards (850 meters) from
stables just outside Pamplona's medieval stone wall to the central bullring.
the animals' size and strength, experts admire Miuras for their explosive
acceleration, stamina and grace, characteristics that inspired legendary
Italian car maker, the late Ferruccio Lamborghini, to name one of his iconic
sports cars after the breed.
The San
Fermin festival, which honors the patron saint of this northern city, dates
back to the late 16th century and is also known for its all-night street
parties, where copious quantities of red wine from Navarra and Rioja are
consumed and sprinkled around.
festivities were made famous by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun
Also Rises."
Associated Press writer Harold Heckle contributed from
Photo: AP A woman runner
from Australia, 23, is attended by medical service after she was gored by a
"Miura" fighting bull during the eighth and last running of the bulls
at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona Spain on Sunday, July 14, 2013. Revelers
from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part in some of the
eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest Hemingway's 1926
novel "The Sun Also Rises."
Photo: AP A runner protects
himself against a "Miura" fighting bull during the eighth and last
running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona Spain on Sunday,
July 14, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to
take part in some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by
Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises."
Photo: AP Runners arrive to
the bull ring with "Miura" fighting bulls during the eighth and last
running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona Spain on Sunday,
July 14, 2013. Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to
take part in some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by
Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises."
Photo: AP A runner is
knocked by a "Miuras" fighting bull during the final running of the
bulls at the San Fermin festival, in Pamplona, Spain, Sunday, July 14, 2013.
Revelers from around the world arrive to Pamplona every year to take part in
some of the eight days of the running of the bulls glorified by Ernest
Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises."
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